The Meaning Behind The Song: Remember When by Wallows

Remember When, a popular song by the indie rock band Wallows, holds a deep meaning that resonates with many listeners. The lyrics beautifully depict nostalgic memories and the bittersweet feeling of reminiscing about the past.

Table of Contents

Verse 1

The song opens with the line, “Thought I saw your shadow under the door; Just a trick of the light I’ve seen before.” These lyrics suggest a sense of longing for someone from the past, as if they are still present in the narrator’s thoughts. The following lines, “I can never tell what’s real anymore,” express a feeling of confusion and uncertainty, blurring the lines between reality and memories.

Verse 2

In the second verse, Wallows brings us back to another time, singing, “I remember when we ran from the pool; All the decorations up in your room.” These lyrics evoke vivid imagery of carefree moments shared with a loved one. The line, “But I couldn’t find the right words to use; But I knew that you knew,” captures the essence of a deep connection and understanding between two people, even without the need for words.


The pre-chorus of Remember When reflects on the passage of time and how certain moments can feel fleeting. “It seemed so long, it seemed so long; The moments that stay, they turn out all wrong; When I look around, you’re gone.” These lyrics speak to the regret and longing that can arise when reminiscing about past experiences that were cherished but are no longer present.


The chorus of Remember When is simple yet powerful, with the repetition of “Oh, oh, oh-oh, oh-oh.” This melodic phrase allows the listener to fully immerse themselves in the emotional journey of the song, emphasizing the nostalgic and sentimental themes that run throughout.


The bridge of the song adds another layer of depth as Wallows sings, “All the places I return to; All the faces that remind you.” These lines suggest that certain locations and people can evoke strong memories of a past relationship or connection. It emphasizes the lasting impact that memories, locations, and faces can have on a person’s emotional state.

Chorus 2

The second chorus takes the listener on a journey of introspection and contemplation. It asks, “I can still see you at the place I know when I close my eyes; Do you remember when we felt like the only two alive?” These lines provoke thoughts about the intensity of a past relationship and the desire to relive those cherished moments. The lyrics reflect a plea to not become one of the people who simply yearn for lost love, as the narrator asks, “Would you go and do it all over again, given the chance?”


The outro of Remember When echoes the chorus, emphasizing the recurring theme of nostalgia and reminiscence.

In conclusion, Remember When by Wallows captures the sentimental longing associated with nostalgic memories and lost connections. The song’s lyrics beautifully convey the bittersweet emotions that arise when reflecting on the past. Whether it reminds listeners of their own personal experiences or simply resonates with them on an emotional level, Remember When stands as a poignant depiction of the power of memory and the enduring impact of past relationships.
