The Meaning Behind The Song: One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack) by Coven

One Tin Soldier is a song that has been loved and sung by many people around the world since its release in 1969. The song tells a story of human greed and injustice, and it has become a timeless anthem for peace, equality, and justice.

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In this article, we’ll look at the history and meaning of One Tin Soldier and explore how it became a symbol of hope and inspiration for millions of people.

The Story of Billy Jack

To understand the meaning behind the song, we need to start with the story of Billy Jack. Billy Jack is the main character in a series of films that were released in the 1960s and 1970s, starting with the movie The Born Losers in 1967.

Billy Jack is a half-Navajo Vietnam veteran who fights for justice and against prejudice. He is a lone warrior who protects the weak and the oppressed, and he uses his martial arts skills to defend himself and others from bullies, racists, and corrupt officials.

The movies featuring Billy Jack became very popular and resonated with a generation of Americans who were disillusioned with the Vietnam War, the civil rights struggle, and the political corruption of the time. The character of Billy Jack became a symbol of hope and courage for many people who felt powerless and oppressed.

The Inspiration for One Tin Soldier

One Tin Soldier was written by Dennis Lambert and Brian Potter in 1969 for a movie called The Legend of Billy Jack. The movie was a sequel to the 1967 film, The Born Losers, and it continued the story of Billy Jack and his fight against injustice.

The song was inspired by a parable that was popular at the time, called “The Mountain”. The parable tells the story of two tribes who live on opposite sides of a mountain. One tribe has a treasure that the other tribe wants, and they go to war over it. After many battles, the victorious tribe discovers that the treasure was actually buried beneath the mountain, and they realize that all their fighting was in vain.

The message of the parable is that war and greed only lead to destruction and death, and that true wealth lies in love, kindness, and compassion.

The Lyrics and Meaning of One Tin Soldier

The lyrics of One Tin Soldier tell the story of two tribes, the Mountain People and the Valley People, who live on opposite sides of a mountain. The Valley People are envious of the treasure that the Mountain People possess, and they offer to buy it. But the Mountain People refuse.

The Valley People then plot to steal the treasure, and they attack the Mountain People. But when they finally reach the treasure, they find it to be “a cruel and jest”. The treasure was actually hidden beneath the mountain, and they realize that their greed and violence were in vain.

The chorus of the song sums up its message:

“Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of heaven,
You can justify it in the end.”

The song warns against greed, envy, and violence, and it encourages people to seek peace and love instead. It implies that the true treasure in life is not material wealth, but rather the values that make life worth living.

The Impact of One Tin Soldier

One Tin Soldier quickly became a hit, reaching number 26 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1971. It was covered by several artists, including Skeeter Davis, who turned it into a country standard.

The song was also used in several movies and TV shows, including the movie Billy Jack, which featured a famous scene of Billy Jack riding his motorcycle into a town and destroying the corrupt mayor’s car.

One Tin Soldier has been adopted as an anthem by various groups, including peace activists, environmentalists, and spiritual leaders. It has been played at protests, rallies, and demonstrations around the world, and it has become a symbol of hope and inspiration for millions of people.

The Legacy of One Tin Soldier

One Tin Soldier remains a powerful and relevant song today, more than 50 years after its release. Its message of peace, love, and justice is as important now as it has ever been, and its impact on popular culture and society cannot be overstated.

The song reminds us that the pursuit of wealth, power, and fame can lead to destruction and harm. It encourages us to seek the true treasures of life, such as love, kindness, and compassion, and to use our talents and skills to create a better world for ourselves and others.

In the words of the song:

“But when the wars are over,
And the fighting’s ceased,
You cannot bury your dead,
Or mend your wounded with peace.”

Let us remember the lesson of One Tin Soldier, and let us work together to build a world of peace and justice for all.
