The Meaning Behind The Song: Natural Born Killer by Highly Suspect

Natural Born Killer is a powerful and impactful song by the American rock band Highly Suspect. The track, released in 2019 as part of their third studio album “Midnight Demon Club,” delves deep into themes of personal struggle, self-realization, and societal expectations. The lyrics capture the raw emotions and introspection that come with navigating through life’s challenges, making it relatable to many listeners.

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At its core, Natural Born Killer examines the complexities of human nature and the constant battle between light and dark within us. The song serves as a reflection on the duality that exists in everyone’s personality – the innate desire to do good, contrasted with the potential for darkness that lurks beneath the surface. Highly Suspect explores the notion that these conflicting elements can coexist, leading to an internal struggle that shapes one’s journey.

The lyrics present a narrative of self-discovery and defiance, embracing the flaws and imperfections that make us human. Natural Born Killer encourages listeners to embrace their own unique qualities, regardless of societal norms and expectations. It is an anthem for those who feel trapped by the pressures of society, reminding them to stay true to themselves and accept their own wild and passionate nature.

Frequently Asked Questions about Natural Born Killer

1. What inspired Highly Suspect to write Natural Born Killer?

Highly Suspect drew inspiration from their own personal experiences and observations of the world around them. The band members have often spoken about their desire to create music that explores the human condition, and Natural Born Killer is a result of that artistic intention.

2. How does Natural Born Killer relate to the band’s previous music?

While each song holds its own unique message and style, Natural Born Killer aligns with Highly Suspect’s signature gritty rock sound and introspective lyrics. It shares a similar theme of self-exploration and authenticity that has been prevalent in their earlier works.

3. Are there any specific events or stories that influenced the creation of Natural Born Killer?

The band members have not explicitly mentioned any specific events or stories that directly influenced the creation of Natural Born Killer. However, it is likely that personal experiences, observations, and emotions played a significant role in shaping the song’s message.

4. How has Natural Born Killer been received by fans and critics?

Natural Born Killer has garnered positive reviews from both fans and critics. Many praise the song for its honest and relatable lyrics, as well as the band’s powerful delivery. It has resonated with listeners who appreciate the raw emotions and introspection it offers.

5. Does the song have any underlying messages about mental health?

While not explicitly stated, Natural Born Killer can be interpreted as having underlying messages about mental health. The lyrics touch on the struggles that individuals face when dealing with the conflicting aspects of their personalities, providing a glimpse into the inner turmoil that can be associated with mental health challenges.

6. How does Natural Born Killer differ from other songs on the album “Midnight Demon Club”?

Natural Born Killer stands out on the album “Midnight Demon Club” due to its intense energy and thought-provoking lyrics. While other songs on the album explore different themes and styles, this track specifically delves into the complexities of human nature, making it a standout in its emotive delivery.

7. Has Highly Suspect performed Natural Born Killer live?

Yes, Highly Suspect has performed Natural Born Killer live during their concerts. The song’s energetic instrumentation and powerful vocals make it a fan favorite during their live shows.

8. Are there any music videos related to Natural Born Killer?

As of now, Highly Suspect has not released an official music video for Natural Born Killer. However, they have produced captivating visual stories for some of their other songs, and it is possible that a music video for Natural Born Killer may be released in the future.

9. What other songs by Highly Suspect are similar in theme to Natural Born Killer?

Several songs by Highly Suspect share a similar theme of self-discovery, authenticity, and personal struggle. Some notable tracks that explore these themes include “My Name Is Human,” “Lydia,” and “Little One.”

10. Can Natural Born Killer be interpreted in different ways?

Yes, like many art forms, the interpretation of Natural Born Killer can vary from person to person. While the song’s overall message remains consistent, individuals may connect with different aspects of the lyrics based on their own personal experiences and perspectives.

11. Is Natural Born Killer a single?

Natural Born Killer was released as a single alongside the album “Midnight Demon Club” Its impactful and relatable message, along with its raw and gritty sound, made it a strong choice for a single release.

12. What makes Natural Born Killer special compared to other Highly Suspect songs?

Natural Born Killer stands out due to its deeply introspective lyrics, captivating melodies, and powerful instrumentations. It showcases Highly Suspect’s ability to create emotionally charged music that resonates with listeners on a profound level.
